New Release - The Death Club by Caroline Peckham & Susanne Valenti - Wonderful World of Books

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New Release - The Death Club by Caroline Peckham & Susanne Valenti


The Death Club by Caroline Peckham & Susanne Valenti is a Dark Contemporary Menage Romance it's book 1 of the Dead Men Walking Series and it's Free on Kindle Unlimited so what are you waiting for go get your copy today! Also enter the mega giveaway below!!

Title: The Death Club 
Series: Dead Men Walking #1
Author: Caroline Peckham & Susanne Valenti
Genre: Dark Contemporary Menage Romance
Release Date: March 15, 2021
Chaos. Carnage. Killing.

The three Cs that make my life complete.
I know killing technically doesn’t start with a C – but wouldn’t life be better if it did? Just like it would be better if the Devil was my boyfriend, Santa wasn’t a d*ck and I didn’t live under a bridge. 

I wished for my life to improve, but it didn’t. I was kidnapped, sold, sold again, stuck in a death game, sold AGAIN and now I’m living in a serial killer’s basement.  

Oh and there’s another dude down here who lives in a cage and doesn’t talk. I call him Dead Man on account of his soulless eyes. He either wants to kiss me or choke me out. I can’t decide which I want most. 

Anyways, my hot, tattooed, muscular insane Irish captor thinks I might make a good hit woman once he trains me up. Which is a freaking insult by the way as I’m already the best killer in town. Ask anyone. Except the cops. Don’t ask them or they’ll send me back to that creepy asylum where they gave me the crazy pills. But shh, that’s a secret.

Want to know another one? I quite like it here. Every day is anarchy and that’s my favourite flavour.

So I think I’m gonna join The Death Club and let my freak flag fly.
This is a brand new dark menage series set in the same world as the Brutal Boys of Everlake Prep series with character crossover. Each series can be read independent of each other and the lead female character will end up with more than one love interest.
Available for Pre-Order
Caroline Peckham is the bestselling author of The Vampire Games Series, The Age of Vampires Saga, The Rise of Isaac Series and the Forbidden Fairytales Series.

She'd love for you to come join her reader group on Facebook where you can get your hands on advanced copies of the books plus chat with readers and enter giveaways.

Caroline lives in the south east England in a tiny cottage. When she's not writing, she's binging Netflix shows, going to the gym or at the pub pretending to be cool.

She adores her fans and loves to hear from them personally. She'd love for you to reach out to her on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter!

I am Susanne Valenti and I write all kinds of Romance with my sister and co-author Caroline Peckham. 

I live in England with the Queen and the red buses and all that jazz. We’re down in the south east, kinda near London but far enough out to be able to look at fields all wistfully and shit if the mood takes me.

I’m married to a dude I met when I was 17 who seemed like a keeper so I held on tight. We have two gorgeous kiddies, a girl and a boy who are in that mental toddler stage so that keeps me busy a lot with jumping in muddy puddles and cutting and sticking and roll playing as a monster (why do I always have to be the t-rex?? But also, why do I always volunteer for the roll?

I like to run (alright, like is a bit strong, but I do get my ass out of the house and run while pushing a running buggy with a little boy on board who likes to shout at me to go faster because Daddy is getting away – rude, right?)

My parents are the best, they are super supportive with all of this writing madness me and Caroline have embarked upon and also dive in five hundred percent when my kids demand fairy hunts in the garden, an imaginary tea party or even a millionth rendition of Old McDonald Had A Farm and it’s thanks to them that I get the time to get any writing done at all 💖
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