New Release - Dead Lands by Stacey Marie Brown! - Wonderful World of Books

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New Release - Dead Lands by Stacey Marie Brown!


Dead Lands, is a PNR Urban Fantasy it's book 3 in the Savage Lands Series, by Stacey Marie Brown is Live and available at all retailers! Keep reading for a excerpt.

Title: Dead Lands
Series: Savage Lands #3
Author: Stacey Marie Brown
Genre: PNR Urban Fantasy
Release Date: June 15, 2021
Kidnapped by the notorious rebel group, Provstat, in Prague, Brexley finds her roots in the uprising goes deeper than she ever thought. Reunited with old acquaintances and an uncle she never knew, Brexley is thrown into the vicious world of politics. 

Where human and fae leaders will do anything to come out on top. And dangerous connections and meticulous plots are far more dangerous and cutthroat than any game she survived in Halalhaz.

If her life wasn’t complicated enough, her connection to the infamous legend is growing stronger. The more she tries to untangle the link between Warwick and her, the thicker it wraps around them both, entwining them in a world between life and death, where brutal passion and fury collide.
When whispers of a coveted magical substance, called the nectar, start buzzing louder, Brexley’s strange connection to the fae book leads her on an unexpected journey. One that brings her closer to the answers she seeks. 

But once she opens the door, all the secrets and lies of her past come flooding out. Truths she’s not ready to face. And betrayals that cut bone deep. 
There is a revolution coming, Brexley. And you are going to lead us straight into it. The statement echoed in my head, bouncing and smacking back into itself, tangling into one emotion. Terror. 

I struggled to breathe, my eyes darted around the room, seeing a group of mostly unknown faces. Even the one related to me was a stranger, my Uncle Mykel, who I had known only in name growing up. 

Father said he was a criminal and had to run off to Prague soon after I was born for safety. Now he was the leader of the infamous rebel group in Prague—Povstat. 

Meaning “to rise up.” A large growing faction fighting against both the fae and human leaders, declaring the need for real change. 

You are our trigger pin. Mykel’s light brown eyes dug into me. My head jerked away from him, my chest squeezing with pain. He was so similar to my father: the way he spoke, his mannerisms, the same height, black hair and beard, similar soft brown eyes. 

My father, Benet, had been broader, probably from years of battle and training. He died in an uprising between fae and humans five years prior. The one who knows both enemies. 

Wha-what? My voice finally found its way up my throat, my defenses mounting. Being used by whatever group kidnapped me seemed to be a growing theme. And I had no idea who to trust, if anyone. What are you talking about? 

Mykel smirked, his heavy-booted feet moving in a tight back-and-forth motion. I’ve been watching you for a long time now. He rubbed his beard. Had eyes on you as much as I could. Even in Halálház. My gaze snapped to the blue-haired demon standing feet from me. 

You were watching me? Betrayal burned up the back of my throat, but I kept my expression clear of emotion. Of course. I shook my head. No one did anything unless it somehow benefitted them. I thought for a moment her friendship had been honest, but it seemed no one in Halálház had befriended me out of kindness. 

When I learned you were there, I got word to Kek. Mykel nodded to her. I told her to watch you but not engage. To keep her distance. I’m a naughty demon. Kek grinned mischievously, her fingers tugging on the end of her braid. 

Mykel’s lips pinched together, not responding. I don’t understand. My head still pounded from the chloroform. I felt mentally and physically exhausted. Why are you even with this group? You’re a demon. 

You’re right. She nodded, tapping her lip like she was just realizing this. I am. Then why? My frustration and crankiness skimmed over my skin. Why the fuck do you care about this fight? 

Because I’m fae, I shouldn’t give a shit? She lifted an eyebrow. Demons don’t give a shit, I spat back. Demons were at the top of the food chain here. 

Since the fall of the Otherworld wall, the Seelie, the light, and the Unseelie, the dark, ruled together in the West, forgoing the old fae ways and trying to make strides toward equality under their reign, including humans. 

 ©Stacey Marie Brown

Stacey Marie Brown is a lover of hot fictional bad boys and sarcastic heroines who kick butt. She also enjoys books, travel, TV shows, hiking, writing, design, and archery. Stacey swears she is part gypsy, being lucky enough to live and travel all over the world.

She grew up in Northern California, where she ran around on her family’s farm, raising animals, riding horses, playing flashlight tag, and turning hay bales into cool forts. She volunteers helping animals and is Eco-friendly. She feels all animals, people, and the environment should be treated kindly.

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