New Release - Stolen Promises by Empress Chang + Giveaway! - Wonderful World of Books

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New Release - Stolen Promises by Empress Chang + Giveaway!

Stolen Promises, a Billionaire Romance and book 3 in The Meikle Billionaire Triplets series, by Empress Chang is LIVE! It's free on Kindle Unlimited.

Title: Stolen Promises
Series: The Meikle Billionaire Triplets #3
Author: Empress Chang
Genre: Billionaire Romance
Release Date: April 5, 2021
My family situation is complicated and when Jason and I married he knew that. He knew I was too. I am a ruthless and aggressive woman at times, but I am a Meikle.

Everything I could ever want is mine or at my fingertips. Except my husband and family is beyond my reach while I seek justice for my own peace of mind.

However, I can gain all three back easily. All I have to do is find the right deal for all three. Beginning with my husband and a bribe he can’t refuse.

I wanted one thing. Well, I thought I wanted one thing. My wife can be very persuasive when she wants to be, but going back isn’t so cut and dried.

My wife’s family is complicated and her role in it has been evolving for years. I only wanted open communication and our marriage back.

With her gaining more power, how can I handle the woman I thought I would grow old with, taking the throne of the Meikle empire?

Writing under the pen name Empress Chang, she is referred to as an overly dramatic, outgoing yet shy individual by her friends and family. Half Chinese Jamaican, Chang was born and raised in Jamaica. She then migrated to the United States of America, three years ago where she is still scared of driving on the other side of the road!

Writing stories about her dogs and princesses at a young age, Chang discovered romance books in high school and started writing her own believing that romantic happy ever afters are necessary for a healthy and happy life.

She is a huge believer in the simple things in life, and her life’s main goal is to be happy. This includes sunny beaches and junk food (of course)!

When Chang is not writing, she is usually reading, watching a series that has hooked her attention and demands to be binged, or is spending time with her supportive, loving husband.

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